Project Management

Benefits of project management

Management is a keyword when it comes to successful delivery and effective output. It goes home to say whatever is not managed well, may not be successful. For us at IBSI, Project management means the process of overseeing collective efforts geared towards achieving a common goal. A rather distinct definition of project management that we have adopted means the application of knowledge, skills, experience and processes to accomplish project goals, according to the terms of the project guidelines.

Whichever definition you prefer, one thing is certain.

For project management to be adjudged successful, it must deliver quality, notwithstanding the challenges or constraints encountered. This is the metric of success when it comes to project management.

 The knowledge of this is what pushes us to deliver a quality project for our customers and clients and help them manage it properly.

For us at IBSI, there are usually five stages when it comes to project management we subscribe to. This is to allow us to satisfy you better.

Stage One

This is the stage of project initiation. What is done at this level is to examine the feasibility of the project; What it requires, how it can be achieved and decide if it can be done in light of existing constraints. A good project initiation stage requires due diligence of project managers.

In any event we decide the project meets the relevant criteria and should be undertaken; we will make a document detailing the required project initiation plan.

Stage Two

This stage is equally necessary for successful project management. It is where we make adequate preparation that charts the course of action moving forward. Goal setting is the hallmark of this stage. To achieve this, there are a few goal-setting methods. One of them is the SMART goals plan. This acronym stands for, Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely. Thus, the plan is to be Specific that is, clearly outlined. There must also be ways to measure it’s progress or otherwise.

Also Identifying steps to take to achieve the plan, creating Realistic borders on having the required capacity to achieve the goal, and creating a possible time frame within which all these are achievable.

Stage Three

This is the Crux of the project management stages. It is where maximum efforts are made and where the success or otherwise of the project lies. This stage commences with a kick-off meeting of the project execution team. At this meeting, responsibilities are assigned to everyone.

Also, there will be a performance report and updates on the project in the course of this stage.

Stage Four

This stage is for monitoring the project performance. This is done by using the Key Performance Indicators. Individuals at this stage are to ensure everything done is in line with the project plan drawn in the first stage.

Stage Five

This is the final stage. It is commonly referred to as Project closure. Contractors hired will at this stage be relieved of duty, effective team members are also appreciated. Project managers final task will be to create a project Punch list where we enumerate things that unfortunately could not be achieved.